Saturday, September 13, 2008

New Place

Ok, so I've been living in this new house for like a little over a month.  Great place.  I don't pay rent, or cable and I didin't have to pay a deposit.  All I pay is utilities.  I live with two nice young girls and the place is fully furnished.

Catch... what catch...

The house is so cheap because... dun dun dun... get ready... the man who owns the house is in jail for child molestation and needs long-term sitters.  Honestly the guys been in jail for like 3 years, I never met the guy so... it doesn't make me feel bad that I'm living in his house that's fully furnished and all that I pay are utilities.   Not bad, but... the reason I was able to find this place was because the mans daughter, who is like in her forties was living here until she and her husband built themselves their own home and needed some other to up keep the house.

My sister met her at my friends church while she was being dropped off.  During the ride the girl that was getting the place said she needed roommates and poof... my name was added into the mix and here I am.

Now I'm 26 years old still in college trying to finish my last year so in my eyes its a great place but... I feel as if this 22, 23 year old girl who technically is ahead of the house talks to me as if I'm a 17 year old girl who has never lived on her own.  Granted I've lived with my sister for the past 5 or 6 years outside my house but I"m extremely agreeable.  For example, my friends came into town and made a huge mess of the relationship between me and the other girls (because these girls apparently don't know how to have a good time) and also because these friends were a TAD bit inconsiderate but I worked with them as much as I could to rearrange things and make sure they were fine with everything but after that the head girl (sorry I hate putting names I'm not that type of person) has treated me like a child how has been sitting in the time out zone.

Hello!  I'm 26 I understand what your trying to tell me if you speak to me like an adult.  

Well that's the rant for today.  Here are some of my doodles in class.  No I'm not a professional artist but I like to draw whenever I'm bored or have some inspiration.

So comment on my doodles... thanks everyone!

1 comment:

L.C said...

The proportions are great! I really like the ballet feet. Have you done any more since? I would love to see more!