nothing new to report.... so nothing to new to post...
but what i have been working on in myself is to have more confidence and more passion. more confidence in my self to be strong and independent! and to have more passion for something in life. i don't feel like i have too much passion for anything and i need some kind of passion. Where it may be. I want to be an artist. You know when you see people and they say... "oh they're an artist!" thats what i want people to say about me but i don't know how to go about doing that... oh wells... one day!
also... when you think you can rid yourself of one person. thinking they are out of your life. thinking you have finally released them... they come back into your life and re-captivate you. why do people do that to you. its almost cruel. almost like they have you on that short leash. but at the same time... i was hoping for that reconnection. hoping to be missed a little bit. so then you know that you meant something. that you were able to somewhat captivate that person. not like you were able to fully captivate them but... slowly... they see you as more than just a simple person.
i want to be more than sweet. i don't want people to call me just sweet. i will give them that i may be simple because i have simple needs. but i want to be extraordinary for me and for them.
well thats a me post today. hoping for new things in life! I was hoping for change and well its already gotten here. just hoping on new things! alright world lets get ready because i'm coming in full force! so watch out! because next time you will see me i will be taking you by the reins!
for everyone else i am hoping love, hoping blessings, hoping understanding your way! also lets try to not judge those we truly hate. they are someone to. something i need to also work on.
~peace and love
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