Tuesday, June 30, 2009

My New Canvas

A new day
Everyting is lighter
I see everything so new
Life finally has color

You’ve opened me up
And in doing so life is finally in retrospect
I don’t see how I was living
Life was a big blank canvas

You came along and accidentally dropped your mark on it
And it made me focus
Made me look at more than just color
But you wouldn’t allow it to just drip

You made your mistake and added more to it
You dipped your hand in another jar
And threw pigments on my canvas
Not caring of lines

Not caring of design
You painted a new life for me
As you started to really cover the canvas
I joined in

You and me
Creating more
Revealing more
Making me go outside my box to create myself

How blind was I before you
How naive
Blinded by all the black and white
Thinking life was only one dimensional

Thinking color can only be inside walls and parameters
You’ve made me finally wear my colors
I wear them so all can see
I was broken

Broken to the point of no return
Splintered and shattered
Believing that everything was perfect
But aren’t we all

Didn’t we all come with defective parts
We are meant to take these parts
And create something beautiful
Create something new

But we are afraid of our imperfections
We are scared of the implications
We cannot change what we are
We cannot change who we are

What we can change are the circumstances
So please
For yourself
Start painting your canvas without inhibitions

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