Today was the day I ripped you from me
The day I finally said no more
No more will you keep me chained to your heart
No more will you keep me holding on
No more will you keep me caged
I cut the strings to all the balloons and now they float away
As the love I had for you
As the warmth I felt for you
As the the way I felt you
How many times did I want it to be more
How many times did I ask for more
How many times did my tears fall for you
It should feel freeing
It should feel like a new day
It should feel new
Then why does it feel like I’m still bound
Still trying to find my way out
Still trying to find my happiness
There were days when it was nice to feel bound
When I felt happy to be in a cage
When I was joyed to be chained
Now I’m scared to stand alone
Scared to walk with no one by my side
No one to keep me warm
I’m scared to let you go
Scared that by being with you I left the best part of me
I left the most important part with you
How could you be any good
How could you still hold the good parts of me
When every part of you never connected the way it should with me
I gave you so much
And in return I wish I had found happiness
I have left you and now what
Now where do I go
I just want to run back
I miss being bound
But it can’t be apart of me
It doesn’t and never made me happy
I gave you the best parts of me
And now I must make new parts for a better me
This is the last time I will say anything more to you
Anything more about you
Anything more about this false love
your last 3 post's seem sad? expecially this one. did you loose someone? are you ok? i will be praying for you.
no and yes... cutting ties... and thank you!
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