Tuesday, January 5, 2010

So Heavy

Its coming to an end
Its finally ending
But I can’t seem to cross that line
I can’t seem to reach  it

I find things to stop me from running
To find another course
I want to live pretending
I want to play the fantasy

Thinking I will surpass it if I...
If I don’t think about it

So heavy my heart feels
So weighed down
I can’t seem to carry it anymore
I try pushing it along
I try rolling it
And nothing

I’m stuck at the bottom of a well
I’m drowning
And no one can hear me
The weight of everything is coming down fast

I’m frightened
I’m scared
I’m screaming at the world and there is no one around
There is nothing that can alleviate this storm

The winds picking up
And I’m afraid I will get destroyed
I’m afraid that I will not live to see the next day

To see the seasons change
To see the next chapter in my book
To revert to when I was innocent
Craving to be a child once more

But it will never be that way again
It will never be as easy as a child skipping rocks over the water

Ok then if my heavy heart wont move
If I can’t seem to take another step
Then let it hit me
Let it chip away at me
Let it break me down

I will stay until I am ready to move on
I will stay at the bottom of that well until my arms are strong enough to carry me out

I will stay until I am ready to finish that race

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