Sunday, December 20, 2009


Hi my lovely ones!  I am recaping a little early... reason being I'm not sure when I will be able to recap if I will be able to get it in before the year ending.  So I would like to do it now...

How to sum up my year.  To say it was dull would be such a contradiction.  I have to say this is the first year I have lived.  Its as if I've laid dormant all my life and decided to finally live for myself!

Yet I have no clue as to where I am going with this.  I'm not the greatest writer but I believe I have some potential in giving the world my heart through writing.  Its my freedom, its my liberation, its my mark.  It is something that allows me to give an interpretation on how my heart is doing for the time being.

I never believed myself to be a good writer to begin with and by allowing myself to be happy with the world, with things, with me it has allowed me to unfold on to paper.

As some things in my life are getting better and growing others have started to become dissatisfying and instead of giving those things priorities (which I should never have) they have started to take second place to the things that truly matter.

I have become a stronger person.  I have become a person that people look up to.  That have respect for and truly enjoy being around with.  I love the person I'm finally becoming.  I have some say and pull in big decisions everywhere I go.  I am someone to be reckoned with.  I am a loyal friend, I am a trustworthy person.  I am through and through a true friend.  Unless you backstab me, then you will be blacklisted for the rest of your life!

I truly have no real wisdom to a year thats closing and to bring in a new year.  Here's what I will say...

Stop looking at the things that you wish were still happening.  Stop wishing for people to give you what you need.  Stop relying on the weak and realize that you are strong enough to do all these things for yourself.  Realize that if you have the strength to move your arms, breathe, walk, and think that you can do whatever it is that you are looking for.

And if occasionally you need that helping hand to bring you out of your darkness, bring you out of the ugly state you are in, or to help you feel something then reach out.  There is always someone there to give you a hand.  Someone there willing to be your lean-to for the time being... And if there isn't... Then I will be.  I may not have enough strength for both but I will have just enough to get us by!

For the new year all I have to say is...

Here I come!



THE(lovely)RESA said...

best ever!!! "I am through and through a true friend. Unless you backstab me, then you will be blacklisted for the rest of your life! " bah ha ha ha.

I love your writing!!!!

DelicateRoses said...

thank you thank you but it wasn't a writing it was me just recaping!!! ha ha ha!!

Randomly Royce said...

I was just wondering how it is you came up with such a creative name for your blog?

DelicateRoses said...

It was a take from the tortured artist... but i'm not so tortured! ha ha! so i decided to do injured instead!