Sunday, December 20, 2009


Hi my lovely ones!  I am recaping a little early... reason being I'm not sure when I will be able to recap if I will be able to get it in before the year ending.  So I would like to do it now...

How to sum up my year.  To say it was dull would be such a contradiction.  I have to say this is the first year I have lived.  Its as if I've laid dormant all my life and decided to finally live for myself!

Yet I have no clue as to where I am going with this.  I'm not the greatest writer but I believe I have some potential in giving the world my heart through writing.  Its my freedom, its my liberation, its my mark.  It is something that allows me to give an interpretation on how my heart is doing for the time being.

I never believed myself to be a good writer to begin with and by allowing myself to be happy with the world, with things, with me it has allowed me to unfold on to paper.

As some things in my life are getting better and growing others have started to become dissatisfying and instead of giving those things priorities (which I should never have) they have started to take second place to the things that truly matter.

I have become a stronger person.  I have become a person that people look up to.  That have respect for and truly enjoy being around with.  I love the person I'm finally becoming.  I have some say and pull in big decisions everywhere I go.  I am someone to be reckoned with.  I am a loyal friend, I am a trustworthy person.  I am through and through a true friend.  Unless you backstab me, then you will be blacklisted for the rest of your life!

I truly have no real wisdom to a year thats closing and to bring in a new year.  Here's what I will say...

Stop looking at the things that you wish were still happening.  Stop wishing for people to give you what you need.  Stop relying on the weak and realize that you are strong enough to do all these things for yourself.  Realize that if you have the strength to move your arms, breathe, walk, and think that you can do whatever it is that you are looking for.

And if occasionally you need that helping hand to bring you out of your darkness, bring you out of the ugly state you are in, or to help you feel something then reach out.  There is always someone there to give you a hand.  Someone there willing to be your lean-to for the time being... And if there isn't... Then I will be.  I may not have enough strength for both but I will have just enough to get us by!

For the new year all I have to say is...

Here I come!


Tuesday, December 15, 2009

My Lasting Words **song**

A word for you 
a word for me
This is my last prayer
As if you care
I have given up and given in
I wish this was the race to win
But alas I have found no finishing line
Its as if I’ve been trying to define
The you and me that never was
How much of you did you invest because
I’ve given it all
And now I can’t even stand tall

I see now I was your revolving door
I wish we could go back to before
Back to your last true kiss
But it was all amiss
Now I am stranded on the side of the road
And there’s nothing left to erode
I wish I didn’t leave it all in your hands
Wishing that I didn’t give in to your demands
Its all crashing falling apart
And this is what I want to impart
A lasting word to make me feel alright
For I don’t want to stop another and not give them an invite

There is no more light behind my eyes
For you have come and taken that prize
If only I saw through the disguise
Then when you said your goodbyes
I wouldn’t feel like it was a surprise
Or feel the darkness that had fallen in the skies

There is nothing left in this empty house
There’s nothing left in this broken heart
I’m trying and trying to find something left
But you oh you don’t want it
Don’t need it 
Are gone
How can I say its gonna be alright
How can I say its gonna stay the same

Monday, December 14, 2009

I surrender

I surrender
I can’t do it anymore
I can’t hold it back
I fully give it all to you

My heart is racing
My breath has started to quicken
My hands are sweating
And whenever you are near

My heart skips a beat

You have made me a believer
You have made me finally believe in something that I thought never existed
Something I thought was just for fools

Never believed that I could finally let someone into my heart
Let someone break in
Let someone hold it

My heart is so tender
So fragile
So weak

I was afraid of the outside infections
Outside diseases
Of any infections that could make it fall apart and break

But I can’t stop from giving it to you
I can’t seem to keep revealing myself to you
All of me
Every part of me

You hit at the strings of my heart
And it gladly dances with you
Gladly surrenders it all to you
It never felt so warm
Never felt so right

Saturday, December 12, 2009

To Feel

I sit here wishing I could feel
Wishing that something could make me feel alive again
Feel that vibe again

Life is draining slowly from me
Life is at my feet and dragging
I wish I could be like the dandelion seed
Here one day and taken away the next

If only I could feel like it feels
Feel the world around it
Feel the ground below it
Feel the clouds above it

Yet Nothing deep within 

There is no emotion 
No fight
Its as if I’ve finally given in
Given up

I want to hear the haunting whispers of a summers breeze
I want to feel the cool kiss from the morning’s frost
To hear the crisp sound of leaves under my feet

I want to feel the ground under me
I want to feel the light shower of rain from up above
To feel the hold of a winter’s beauty

To feel the warmth of a new heart


so this week at work has been one of those weeks... it started out CRAPPY got better and ended up even worse! how does that happen? if it gets better isn't it supposed to keep getting better?

so this sunday it started out normal... I always expedite on sundays... so that means I will set up the plates and make sure the trays go out to the tables with everything on it.  I must say i'm pretty damn good at it!  I mean in that restaurant I would say I am number 1 (not to toot my own horn... but this is what everyone says) anywho sundays can be a hit or a miss.  either i stay because they need me or i go home because there is no business.  and lately its been real busy!

so i've been staying.  but it was RIDDICK!  i mean sometimes i get in there and nothing is ready for the dinner rush other days i'm ready to work and so is everyone else!  apparently they hadn't told me we were down servers.  BUT that did not excuse the lack of work that was going on this past sunday.

i don't know how many times I called for people to help me either by getting me something that I needed or by running a tray for me.  now of course every sunday i am always asking for people to help get something BUT this sunday was the straw that broke the camels back!  after a tray sat in the window for 20 minutes (and all it was, was eggs, bacon, and pancakes!) while some girl rolled her silverware to get out as soon as possible... not once did she approach the window to run it!!!!!  food service ALWAYS comes first!

pleasing our guests is the motto!  at the expense of the workers at the restaurant! but that did not excuse people or managers to not get in that window and help me out!  seriously! i could not take it!  so after 4 hours of that crap!  which mind you they had four goal hours meaning we sold a certain amount of food in one hour.  the goal is $1800.  and we made four.... so that means that labor means nothing.   they could keep people working until 1 am and still would have not been in the red.  so they could afford to keep me for another day on the clock and it wouldn't have hurt them.  so i stayed until 9 which normally i go home by 8 or even 7:30 on sundays but this sunday was never ending...

it just kept adding to the anger i had for everyone in that restaurant... SO when they said i could go home... i went straight to the managers office and gave him an ear full!  i couldn't take it no more!  then i wrote the general manager a note telling him to NOT place me to work on sundays!  NO MORE! but of course in better terms in nicer terms and to move to expedite on fridays!  i enjoy getting off early fridays so i can go out and get my dancing shoes on and dance the night away! seriously!  but no... they schedule me every friday night until past close so it stops me from being able to go out... yet i find ways around it.  this is why i need those fridays off early...

anyways... thursday comes around and i check my schedule... looky looky i've got hooky! and i'm off on sunday!  SAHWEET! right... the general manager speaks to me that day tells me i had a bad day on sunday and i said yes i did... i had a horrible time! and so i said thank you for not scheduling me on sunday.  but then he says... "but your still my SA on sundays"  (SA = Server's Assistant AKA expeditor)


meaning i still work sundays!

ok so i'm screwed... so then today i get to work with the new manager... brock.... oh brock how i would love to kick you in the gooch!  (for those who do not know what this it is the skin between the male genitalia and his anus hole... sorry for the dirtyness but i really do have more of a potty mouth than this post allows me... :/ ) Not only do i feel like the general manager micro manages the servers already this new guy has to micro micro manage! seriously... seriously...

i know your new man but you need to trust that we are competent of working at a restaurant and that we have been working fine before you arrived at the restaurant!  its so bad that the night before thursday he eligibly counted every sugar caddy, counted every sugar packet to make sure that every one was set up perfectly...  then today in the middle of the dinning room in front of all guests he says "thank you rosa for putting down that check" (we have to place the receipt down after one minute of our customers food arriving to get them out quicker... because thats what matters... not an enjoyable atmosphere but quick service... we are not a fast food restaurant!) yet he couldn't wait until we were back in an area where there were no customers... he had to tell me then and there?!?!?!?!? OH and one of the new servers which still hasn't gotten his footing yet ( but come on he is still new) brock went up to him and told him that he is doing a crappy job... i mean SERIOUSLY!!!!  UGH!!!

I CAN'T ANYMORE!  so i've decided no more sundays and no more fridays! i will work all my hours on the other days of the week!  and pick up if needed on those days... so that is that!

i hate my job...


Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Standing Out

I stand here naked
Exposed to the whole world
Nothing to cover me
Standing open

You have ripped and pulled and tore me to pieces
You have given me a stencil
I was able to fill it and now I am more than it
I was able to follow your guidelines

Yet they weren’t for me
Instead of staying in that shape
I transformed into something more
Something different

I became malleable
You helped me
Stretched me
And shook me

I held on to you
Your excitement
Your love

I pushed myself
I doubted myself
I stepped out

Being more giving you more
I gave it all to you
Releasing every piece of me out so that you the world could have me too

But peeling all those layers has left me in pain
The hurt of ripping my skin
Of making me raw
Of becoming that diminished pile to rebuild on

All diminished by your love
All broken down because of your beautiful words
Your heart your warmth

I went through the pain knowing only good would come out
Only strength
And more love

My strength was found in you
My love was found in you
And now I have to stand with out you

Stand in the light
Stand outside your shadow
Stand on my own two feet

Slowly as our hands separate
As our fingers release the spaces between each others fingers
As my heart is chiseled from yours
I will release this love from us

I have loved you
And will always love you
But I can’t give you my love

You have been my stepping stone
Now I must find my foundation       

Saturday, December 5, 2009

The Purity

One step
Out to the cold
Next step
Feeling the soft caress of the snow
Third step
Embraced by its beauty

Surrounded by the white
The purity
The essence of white

Turning and turning
Dancing to the sound of the wind through the trees
Feeling the the wind wanting to play
Feeling its playful smirk all around

Hands lifted in the air
Covered in the white flakes
The sexiness of its decent on my hair
On my skin
On my eye lashes
And on my cheeks

How it caresses me
As if if it is attracted to me

As if it loves me

Walking through it the chill of the cold breeze making me feel exhilarated
Knowing once I cuddle up to the fire
How much it loved me
Loved enough to fall
Loved enough to want to have one touch
Even if it were to melt away as soon as it were to hit

I will welcome you everyday
I will dance with you in the midnight hour
Just you and I
Just you and your purity
Until you melt away

Friday, December 4, 2009


Their are reasons why we don’t open our hearts
Afraid to get hurt
Afraid to enjoy the love
Afraid that that path is true
Afraid that life will finally fall into place

But when you let go of that fear its such an exhilarating feeling
Its like standing on the precipice of the world 
Feeling the wind rushing through your hair
Your clothing
Your skin

Its as if the world is telling you to jump from it
And when you do 
You soar
You fly
You are one with it

You are finally what you need to be
Finally where you need to be
Those closed doors don’t seem to matter
Those bitter words are lost in the sound of the wind

Memories of the old are distorted in a new memory
Distorted in happiness and lost to the joy
Your heart seems to get bigger and bigger
Making it feel as if it cannot hold all the beauty of the new experiences

Then all at once love is truly shown
From the every corner

And though you may start flying low
Start flying close to the ground from the negativity thrown at you
There is a path that is uncovered before you

A path to show you
That even through it
You will find that you are still on the right path

So let’s soar together
Let’s fly close
So we may be able to lift each other up 
Beyond the clouds

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

My Recent Recaps Making It All About Me...


This will be the recap for the end of November.  I honestly and truly have nothing to recap on.  I've had ups and I've had my downs.  Mostly downs.  But right now not much is going on in my life.  Just trying to get my mind prepared for next semester.  I'm not sure if they will allow me back in but here's hoping I am here for a reason.

I'm gonna try one more time at this school thing.  I've tried for ages and I'm dying inside when I sit in those classes and let things slide.  I start with a bang and then it fizzles to the ground.  I get bored and then stop wanting to go.

My sister found a farm of gray hair on my head.  HA HA!  I sometimes wonder if she notices what is going on.  I sometimes wonder why she doesn't want to ask.  I sometimes wonder if she knows that things do worry me.  I don't just pretend they are not there.  I know I have so many things that I need to confront.  That I need to take care of.  Yet I've realized... yes I know more realizations.  That's how my WHOLE year has been.  But I realized that I'm not secure in who I am.  That I don't know where I stand with myself, my life, my anything.  This is why I second guess myself.  This is why I'm always on the fence post about many things.

I want to become a person that knows what she wants, what she needs.  There are days that I know what I need and I have no motivation to do it.  Sure its depressing and yes I have been in a nasty case of depression.  Not like I hate my life, I want to die, why am I living... but my living situation, my life situation, and financial situation.

Its all depressing.  I know there is more.  And then there are days that I don't feel there is more.  Days when I imagine that this is the best I can get.  And lately I've been believing it.  I'm letting everything just pass me by.  But I don't know how to grab life by its reigns.  I have no clue as to how to achieve that.

I need to grow up.  I want to grow up.  Yet I hear Peter Pan calling my name.  I hear him knocking at my window.  I just want to run away with the circus.  Then maybe then I wont feel like a freak...


p.s. I know it sounds EXTREMELY depressing.  and many of my posts are.  But I don't have too many outlets to release my inner worries, inner thoughts, inner anything.  So here's another depressing one...

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thankful for...

The air I breathe
the presence of more
the ability to be more
the strength to stand out
the vulnerability of my strength
the power of my quietness
my annoying family
my pain in the rear end job
my friends
for the kindness of those that know when I need it
for the wonderful people that know exactly what to say when I truly need it
for another day
for a roof over my head
for a warm bed in the morning
for all the hugs i've received
for all the hugs that have been sent my way and i have not yet received
for love
for hate
for anything that makes me feel alive
for tears that erase
for tears that replenish
for tears that fall when I am awestruck
for a helping hand
for a kind hand
for a strong hand
for a broken hand

I am thankful because this year is ending and so is a big part of me.  On to a new year.  A year to be more, to forget, to move on, to be happy.  To not look back unless I need to.  To remember only the things that will help me move on.  And I am thankful because I have wonderful people that will stand side by side and walk into a new year with me.  Thank you my loved ones!  You mean the world to me!


Sunday, November 22, 2009

Grow for me

I am filled with dissatisfying days
days filled with anger
filled with sadness
filled with hatred

wishing for a change
wishing for something more
wishing for a rip in this earth

for an earth shattering new life
to plant my seed and watch it grow
yet i have planted and nothing is showing
nothing is emerging

it is dying and I can't seem to help it grow
all I am doing is drowning it
I am watering it too much
I am giving too much attention
and I can't seem to see any thing from it

I just want to forget it
let it die
let it wither away
move on and plant again
move on and pretend it wasn't there

to plant a new one far away
maybe this one will bring me joy
maybe this one will finally emerge from the ground

the day I planted it
How many dreams did I have for it
the hopes of it flourishing to be grand and wonderful
to be strong and bloom

and its been a long time
and it still there
as if it taunting me
telling me your not good enough for it to flourish

not good enough for it to grow
to be more
to be for me

not good enough
now i understand

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

No More

**i was trying to post something a day and if i missed a day i tried posting two a day... but i'm not sure if i want to keep posting for the rest of the month... this post hurt to write... only because of how true it is... and how i just want to leave things like that... here's a song to go with it... i will only post a link to it... **

Today was the day I ripped you from me
The day I finally said no more

No more will you keep me chained to your heart
No more will you keep me holding on
No more will you keep me caged

I cut the strings to all the balloons and now they float away
As the love I had for you
As the warmth I felt for you
As the the way I felt you

How many times did I want it to be more
How many times did I ask for more
How many times did my tears fall for you

It should feel freeing
It should feel like a new day
It should feel new

Then why does it feel like I’m still bound
Still trying to find my way out
Still trying to find my happiness

There were days when it was nice to feel bound
When I felt happy to be in a cage
When I was joyed to be chained

Now I’m scared to stand alone
Scared to walk with no one by my side
No one to keep me warm

I’m scared to let you go
Scared that by being with you I left the best part of me
I left the most important part with you

How could you be any good
How could you still hold the good parts of me
When every part of you never connected the way it should with me

I gave you so much
And in return I wish I had found happiness
I have left you and now what
Now where do I go

I just want to run back
I miss being bound
But it can’t be apart of me
It doesn’t and never made me happy

I gave you the best parts of me
And now I must make new parts for a better me

This is the last time I will say anything more to you
Anything more about you
Anything more about this false love

Monday, November 16, 2009


Just one thing to post today that was so strong I had to say something about.  I found this because someone posted it on twitter.  I was wondering why the name and could it go along with TO WRITE LOVE ON HER ARMS since it was the "date" on friday.  So I clicked on the link and WOW!  What a strong message! Sitting here in the comfort of my own home I forget all the atrocities that this cruel world has.  Day in and day out the most disgusting and vile things happen and yet we just let them pass as if they mean nothing.  And yet I write about it and still do nothing.  But in a small way I am doing my part and that is talking about it.  What is it that I speak about?  Human Trafficking! I will not say more.  Instead I leave you with this:


If you can in any way... try and pass this on... THANK YOU!



What has our relationship become
What has this union transformed into
It doesn’t make me happy anymore
It doesn't make me smile

Instead I wipe the tears from my face
Instead I am running to cover it before you see my pain
I don’t let you see the hurt you’ve placed in me
I want to tell you

But I’m so scared
Scared of you leaving
But if I keep hiding these emotions you will
And I will be standing right where I don’t want to be

I am drowning

Your love is so overwhelming
Its so grand
It keeps me holding on

Yet I’m afraid if I release you I wont have anything left
Yet you keep creating those waves
The water keeps pushing me down
It keeps covering me

Should I drift off
Should I float way
Should I just forget all the happy memories

The many times you loved me
The many times we were one

Oh my darling
It hurts to even call you that
I know this wont work
But I want to pretend just a bit longer

Until you are the one that needs to hold on
Until you are the one feeling like you will drown without me...