so this week at work has been one of those weeks... it started out CRAPPY got better and ended up even worse! how does that happen? if it gets better isn't it supposed to keep getting better?
so this sunday it started out normal... I always expedite on sundays... so that means I will set up the plates and make sure the trays go out to the tables with everything on it. I must say i'm pretty damn good at it! I mean in that restaurant I would say I am number 1 (not to toot my own horn... but this is what everyone says) anywho sundays can be a hit or a miss. either i stay because they need me or i go home because there is no business. and lately its been real busy!
so i've been staying. but it was RIDDICK! i mean sometimes i get in there and nothing is ready for the dinner rush other days i'm ready to work and so is everyone else! apparently they hadn't told me we were down servers. BUT that did not excuse the lack of work that was going on this past sunday.
i don't know how many times I called for people to help me either by getting me something that I needed or by running a tray for me. now of course every sunday i am always asking for people to help get something BUT this sunday was the straw that broke the camels back! after a tray sat in the window for 20 minutes (and all it was, was eggs, bacon, and pancakes!) while some girl rolled her silverware to get out as soon as possible... not once did she approach the window to run it!!!!! food service ALWAYS comes first!
pleasing our guests is the motto! at the expense of the workers at the restaurant! but that did not excuse people or managers to not get in that window and help me out! seriously! i could not take it! so after 4 hours of that crap! which mind you they had four goal hours meaning we sold a certain amount of food in one hour. the goal is $1800. and we made four.... so that means that labor means nothing. they could keep people working until 1 am and still would have not been in the red. so they could afford to keep me for another day on the clock and it wouldn't have hurt them. so i stayed until 9 which normally i go home by 8 or even 7:30 on sundays but this sunday was never ending...
it just kept adding to the anger i had for everyone in that restaurant... SO when they said i could go home... i went straight to the managers office and gave him an ear full! i couldn't take it no more! then i wrote the general manager a note telling him to NOT place me to work on sundays! NO MORE! but of course in better terms in nicer terms and to move to expedite on fridays! i enjoy getting off early fridays so i can go out and get my dancing shoes on and dance the night away! seriously! but no... they schedule me every friday night until past close so it stops me from being able to go out... yet i find ways around it. this is why i need those fridays off early...
anyways... thursday comes around and i check my schedule... looky looky i've got hooky! and i'm off on sunday! SAHWEET! right... the general manager speaks to me that day tells me i had a bad day on sunday and i said yes i did... i had a horrible time! and so i said thank you for not scheduling me on sunday. but then he says... "but your still my SA on sundays" (SA = Server's Assistant AKA expeditor)
meaning i still work sundays!
ok so i'm screwed... so then today i get to work with the new manager... brock.... oh brock how i would love to kick you in the gooch! (for those who do not know what this it is the skin between the male genitalia and his anus hole... sorry for the dirtyness but i really do have more of a potty mouth than this post allows me... :/ ) Not only do i feel like the general manager micro manages the servers already this new guy has to micro micro manage! seriously... seriously...
i know your new man but you need to trust that we are competent of working at a restaurant and that we have been working fine before you arrived at the restaurant! its so bad that the night before thursday he eligibly counted every sugar caddy, counted every sugar packet to make sure that every one was set up perfectly... then today in the middle of the dinning room in front of all guests he says "thank you rosa for putting down that check" (we have to place the receipt down after one minute of our customers food arriving to get them out quicker... because thats what matters... not an enjoyable atmosphere but quick service... we are not a fast food restaurant!) yet he couldn't wait until we were back in an area where there were no customers... he had to tell me then and there?!?!?!?!? OH and one of the new servers which still hasn't gotten his footing yet ( but come on he is still new) brock went up to him and told him that he is doing a crappy job... i mean SERIOUSLY!!!! UGH!!!
I CAN'T ANYMORE! so i've decided no more sundays and no more fridays! i will work all my hours on the other days of the week! and pick up if needed on those days... so that is that!
i hate my job...
quit? yeah. i'm all for it.
not unless i have another job already... its hard to get another one these days...
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