Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Standing Out

I stand here naked
Exposed to the whole world
Nothing to cover me
Standing open

You have ripped and pulled and tore me to pieces
You have given me a stencil
I was able to fill it and now I am more than it
I was able to follow your guidelines

Yet they weren’t for me
Instead of staying in that shape
I transformed into something more
Something different

I became malleable
You helped me
Stretched me
And shook me

I held on to you
Your excitement
Your love

I pushed myself
I doubted myself
I stepped out

Being more giving you more
I gave it all to you
Releasing every piece of me out so that you the world could have me too

But peeling all those layers has left me in pain
The hurt of ripping my skin
Of making me raw
Of becoming that diminished pile to rebuild on

All diminished by your love
All broken down because of your beautiful words
Your heart your warmth

I went through the pain knowing only good would come out
Only strength
And more love

My strength was found in you
My love was found in you
And now I have to stand with out you

Stand in the light
Stand outside your shadow
Stand on my own two feet

Slowly as our hands separate
As our fingers release the spaces between each others fingers
As my heart is chiseled from yours
I will release this love from us

I have loved you
And will always love you
But I can’t give you my love

You have been my stepping stone
Now I must find my foundation       


Anonymous said...

very beautiful text :)

DelicateRoses said...

thank you!

THE(lovely)RESA said...

"I stand here naked
Exposed to the whole world
Nothing to cover me"

finally, giving the world what it wants.......

DelicateRoses said...

you know it!