Saturday, October 27, 2012

She's back!

How long has it been and I finally have some kind of device to use! Blagh! So whats new? Lets recap!

1. I got me a jiz-ob!
2. My car and birds car stopped working...
3. My sister sue had a baby girl! yay! My first niece!
4. My dad has diabetes and now i believe i do to... Both sides of my family have it and thats on top of my PCOS.
5. My house of full of little dark people... No not Mexicans but my nephews and my older sister moved in so full house always... However we get to see them every day and it feels like now they have a little bit more structure to their lives.

So I think that's all.  I'm gonna be honest, I've missed blogging... Not sure how often I will be updating but I'll do my best! Till later.