Thursday, June 25, 2009

My Path

Let us jump
Off the world
Let us fly
To a distance
Let us be
To love the same

Finding each other in the wilderness
Creating our own realities
Dissipating the expectations
We will survive
We will overcome

We were made to love
We were made to feel
But we hover over our world as if we are in charge of it
We move as if we can control you and me
We have no control over each others action
All we do have control is the love we share
The love we have for each other

Let us not hide behind doctrines and commands
We were meant to shine for one another
So why are we so afraid to allow ourselves to pour into each other

No not massacre their will with our will
No not pushing our laws on each other
No not judging the loves we have made or want to create

WHO ARE YOU to judge me
WHO ARE YOU to place me in your mold
WHO ARE YOU to tell me my wrong doings
WHO ARE YOU to change me and take on your mindset

Life tells me I can love without you
I can stand and change with out you
I can run in the other directions with out you
I can love, trust, and befriend without you

Let me live my life
Let me fall
Let me wither
Let me stand
Let me scream
Let me follow my own path
I don’t want to follow your footsteps

Let me make my own imprints on this world
Let me create a new path

A path...
Of shattered hopes
Of broken loves
Lined with mistakes
Full of my own happiness

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