Monday, September 28, 2009

Running Into the Unknown Abyss

Its different
Life is different
I try seeing it like I used to
I try looking at the world with my old eyes

But I can’t
I don’t remember how I used to look at it
I don’t remember how it used to be

Does it feel right
Does it feel normal
I don’t know

I’m not sure
Am I supposed to see everything differently
Am I supposed to feel the world through my eyes
Or by each step I take

What if I want to close my eyes at each step
What if I want to go at it without holding myself back
I want to run into the abyss with my hands on either side of me
With my eyes wide shut

I don’t know if this is what happiness comes from
I don’t know if this is where I tell the world forget what you know
Remember me for what you see now
Remember me for what I am now

That skin
Those eyes
That smile
Have all gone
Have been lost
And I have found a new twinkle for my eyes

I have found a new way to stand
A new way to live

Are you afraid of all this new-ness
Are you afraid that I will come to a standing halt
That I may have reached my highest peak

Oh world why must you worry for me
Why must you think that this difference is just passing
That it will not last
Why must you think the worse of my situation

Do you not see the worst part was my past
That I was able to get through that ugly jungle
That I am transformed and can’t lie in that tangle darkness

I don’t know if its right
But who cares
Mistakes are mine
Let me learn from them

And let me be changed by them


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