Friday, November 6, 2009

Dark Skies

As the cold wind rushes by
I feel the premonition of rain
The leaves over turned in the street
The broken cement I walk on

The sad sound of the wind rushing through the air
The sad faces of the people walking by
Illusions of a great day was what I awoke thinking

And yet it is gray
Gloomy and sad
The way my heart feels
The way my soul feels
The gray depths of me
How this day knew of my emotions before I did

Let me cover up my face
Let me paint on what everyone believes I feel
Let them not know of the hurt
The pain
The sorrow deep within

This dilapidated world seems to know exactly what I need
Exactly how I feel
Let me walk in the the empty streets
Let me stroll down dirty alley ways
Dark hallways
And black streets

I feel it
The rain
One droplet on my cheek
One droplet on my hand
One droplet on the ground

If only it would strike thunder
And downpour immediately
So no one could see the tears
So no one could see the anguish

How easy it is to pretend when the sun shines
But once the sun is hidden
When the clouds shroud it
That is when the truth is uncovered
It is truly unveiled

My harsh dark soul needing something to accept its emotions
Oh sky
Release your rain
Release the power in it

The power to wash away
The power to cover
The power to fall

My soul needs someone that is on the same page as me

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