Friday, July 3, 2009

The Freedom of Love

And again running

I’ve been keeping it all at bay
Keeping more than just words
Keeping more than just emotions
I want to yell
I want to scream

Never allowing to be broken
To be loved

So sacred was my heart
Held behind from the world

But no one to heal it
No one to mend it
Not even religion

Faith seemed to be failing me
How long have I waited on faith to bring me out of shame
How long did I waited on faith to hold me up
How long did I waited on faith to shine grace on me

All I felt was grace
But barely anything else
How long was I going to live like this
How long were you going to have me like this
Until I had nothing left
Nothing more
So much emotions until one day
It burst
Like a ballon full of butterflies
Flowing free
Flying high
Soaring to its new discoveries

Pouring out of me like a powerful force
That had been hidden
So much to release
So much to encounter
So much to take in

Standing in the warmth of a new day
Standing on the brink of new life

Running to the first open arms
Arms so warm
So gentle
So soft
Caressing my wounds

Kissing my pains
Holding my heartaches
Ripping away my chains
Its never felt more like home
Its never felt so familiar

Your eyes burn into mine
Your words pierce my soul
Your tenderness
Your gentleness

Finally its flowing out of me
I can’t hold it back
I can’t stop it from being expressed
So much love
So much freedom
Never again to be emotionless
Never to be quiet
Finally I’ve allowed a window to my soul

One with so much sunlight to shine down
To let wind through
I can’t do more than just give in
Freedom so alluring
So seductive

Let us dance under the moonlight
In the wilderness
Let us create our new world
Free from labels
Free from religion
Free from pain
Free from hurt
Free from heartache

Let us dream
Let us create
Let us exist

All I can do is run
Run through the fields of beauty
The fields of love

Your love is so enticing
Your love is my life

Finally my new world

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