Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Old Post 1

This was written February 2008. It's called: To Be Yours...


I need life
I need support
You don’t ask

I’m afraid to trust you
I’m afraid to allow you to see what I keep hidden
I’m afraid to let you see where I’m going

I want you
I need you
But you can’t see it…

Why don’t you ask
Why don’t you see that I’m dying to tell you
My anger
My love
My anguish…

You never ask
You never give me what I need…
I’m always here for you
I’m always asking you how you are…

You feed off what I can do…
All I do is listen
I take it all in and never release it…

I am your fortress
Why can’t you be mine…
Why can’t I have you as my fortress…

I need you
I love you
But you don’t see it…

Come to me to release your worries
Come to me to release your problems…
I understand you can’t read minds but can you read faces…

I come to you with my face in anguish and yet
You still don’t understand
You don’t know what I go through because you don’t ask…

Then when you come to me to ask I can’t because I don’t trust you…
How am I to trust you when you’ve only asked once…
Do you expect me to open for you that one time…
Do you expect me to just be like you whenever you come into to my world…

I don’t know how to be like you
I’m not you…
I am me…
I deal with things in my own way…

Ok I don’t know how to express myself the way you do
But if you would work with me
If you would just push me a little…
I might give you my world…

I love you do you know that…
NO I don’t want to hear about your girls
No I don’t want to hear about the loves gained and the loves lost…

I’m one your about to lose…
I’m here to give you want you need
Now please give me what I need…

I need you to love me…
I need you to fight for me
I need you to wedge yourself in the cracks of my walls…
Yes they are high and yes they are barred
But I know you can make it through…

Listen to me….
You will lose me if you don’t listen to me…
Find a way in
And I will be yours…

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